I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Millie and her person over the last year. We first met in January for her puppy shoot and then again in July when she did some modelling for a commercial job and stuck around afterwards for a mini-session because she’d missed her 8-12wk old photoshoot due to crazy summer heat and storms (not an issue anymore now I have a studio!).
Since we’d done urban, park and studio already we did the beach for her final session in the Puppy’s First Year series. I always start with posed portraits at beach sessions so we have some nice ones while they’re still clean and dry. Millie’s owner credits Dave and I with training her. She didn’t know any commands before her first shoot but by the end of it she knew sit, drop and stay and I’m totally putting that on future marketing materials! She’s an absolute dream to photograph now and I loved every minute of this shoot.

With the portraits in the bag (literally) it was time for Millie to release her inner speed demon. She’s so fast!!

Do you reckon Millie gets whatever she wants with those puppy dog eyes? I know I couldn’t say no!

We drove to our second location for sunset photos with the off-camera lighting. Millie continued to impress me with her top notch modelling. Even the distracting onlookers didn’t faze her, she knew exactly how to keep the yummy treats coming her way.

The Puppy’s First Year package includes an album (and wall art and digital files) so keep an eye on my Instagram for a flick through.
If you’re getting a puppy soon, or know someone who is, these Puppy’s First Year sessions are the perfect way to record their baby, teenager and adult stages. And hey, the dog model training I provide is thrown in free of charge, bonus!