Taite the Dalmatian | strong dog collars
A few weeks ago I mentioned that Furia was only a temporary model of the regular Decoder collar. The collar was actually made for Taite the Dalmatian to model, but the universe was against us and I didn’t get to meet him until last weekend at the Amstaff... read more
Amstaff Specialty – Apr 2010 | Sydney Dog Photographer
Saturday was a double whammy for us at the American Staffordshire Terrier Club of NSW’s specialty. We had our second outing with our Ruthless Leather stall and it was also my first event as the official club photographer! It was held at Erskine Park which is in... read more
Isn’t Photoshop Amazing? | Sydney Dog Photographer
A photographer friend of mine saw one of the photos that I took at the Dobermann Nationals and suggested with a bit of Photoshoppery [yes, that is a word!] it could be a great image. Isn’t Photoshop amazing?! This image and heaps more of my stuff is available to... read more