About ten days ago our little mate, who isn’t so little any more, went back to live with his owner in his new home. I was out taking photos when he was collected, which is probably a good thing ’cause I hate goodbyes and tears may have been shed. I promised in the last blog post that you’d be seeing more of him, so here’s the second instalment of Jax the Rottie.
At the start of the year I bought a couple of Sigma Art prime lenses and Jax was the obvious choice to test them out on. What with him being far more obedient and compliant than any of our blockheads!
I didn’t feel they were working properly so over the course of the next few weeks I ran several tests on them. These pictures were taken during that time. Different lenses on different bodies. One very good puppy who knew the drill and sat very still for me each and every time. Even when he had a leaf stuck to his nose (his own doing)!
In the end, much as I loved them when they worked, I returned them and the shop agreed they were faulty and refunded me. I’m not game to repeat the experience even though photographers everywhere swear by them, I’m sticking to Canon.
Jax was also chief location scouting buddy. Unfortunately on this occasion (actually it happens on most occasions) it became cloudy by the time we reached our destination. He got to have a runaround anyway.
I also used Jax for my first attempt at the photo challenge. I didn’t like the light though, so I reshot it with Bruno.
On his last morning with us we got up very early for a sunrise shoot. My main motive was to get a photo for the Ruthless Leather homepage, but we kept going long after that was in the bag. Two things I’ll miss the most about Jax are his “speak” and his head-tilt – things that none of our four will do.
As payment for being so good he got to have a splash in the water – his favourite. My poor car is still wearing all the sand he brought home with him.
Much as we loved having him here, it is nice to be back to just four dogs again (that’s right, I said just!). Bruno’s happy to be the baby again and Chopper’s happy to have his boyfriend back. Dave’s decided that he’s choosing our next dog and it’s going to be a Rottweiler. We’ll see …