Vivid and Arlo’s person was gifted my show special at the Dog Lover’s Show a while ago. Life got in the way but when I launched the HUH? book she knew her dogs had to be included.
They came into my studio in May. Vivid was very unsure about the stairs and I thought it was going to take all of the treats in the world to get her to warm to me. I couldn’t have been more wrong though, as soon as we were through the door she was ready to work and was a joy to photograph.

Arlo on the other hand … at the risk of offending all the cat owners, was exactly like one! He needed to decide that things were his idea but that’s ok because the camera loved him so we got there in the end.

Vivid is an excellent treat catcher but sometimes she didn’t think much of my treat throwing!

Considering Arlo’s penchant for doing none of the things I asked of him I’m not sure if these photos of him and Vivid together are even real! I jest, they’re very real and minimal Photoshoppery was employed.

Their owner left me the most lovely 5 star Google review afterwards:
I was amazed with the images Ruth managed to capture, particularly as one of my dogs was not a co-operative model! The whole process was enjoyable and even having seen samples, when I picked up the finished products I ordered, seeing my own dogs in such amazing quality prints and artwork was mind blowing!
What really struck me, is that what you see on Ruth’s website is what you will get, it’s not just a fancy display of some lucky shots or amazingly well trained dogs, it’s a display of Ruth’s every day work and exactly what you can expect. I really get the feeling that Ruth’s #1 goal is to never have a disappointed client and I can’t imagine how she could ever have one! Thank you Ruthless Photos!!
I put together a slideshow of the images she purchased and a video of the finished products (which I really need to get better at making!). Use the cog icon to select HD if you want the best viewing experience.
Are you ready for me to create timeless memories of your furry best friend? Click the button below to get your session on the books today.