It’s high time I spread some more Peanut Butter on my blog (messy, but yum!). It’s week eight and I haven’t missed a 52 weeks photo yet so I’m pretty smug about that. I have done a couple of lame last minute ones and the pain of having to see them included in the project is my punishment for procrastinating.
You already saw week one, here are the rest of January.
I’m going to take a photo of these two together in the same spot at the start of every month to watch Butters grow and, I suspect, get bigger than Bruno.
February was supposed to start with a swimming photo but he hated his second swimming pool adventure so we played fetch instead. The following week we celebrated Chinese New Year – this is the year of the pig.
The next two aren’t technically part of my project. His talent agent asked for updated headshots for his profile (what? doesn’t your puppy have an agent?!). We went with understated but dapper.
Last week we celebrated Valentine’s Day and Bruno got a turn in front of the camera as well. Angel and Chopper weren’t interested in being cooperative that day.
We went on location for the last photo of the month. Butters’ obedience classes are paying off, his stay is better than any of the older dogs. Now if only I could teach him to smile for the camera …
If you need more photos of our pack in your life you can follow them on Instagram via the button below.