Dexter recently graduated from Amy’s Puppy Pre-School. When his owner saw my photos of Amy’s Briard, Brian, she decided she needed equally adorable photos of her boy.
Despite being next to the water, and him being a water loving Lab mix, his recalls and retrieves were excellent!

He has all the smarts of a Poodle and all the food obsession of a Labrador, which makes for a perfect photographic subject.

He was only 18wks at his shoot but already had a high level of obedience. He’s a credit to his owner.

Dexter’s “mum” booked my puppy package so I’ll be seeing him again when he’s fully grown. I can’t wait to do this all over again at a different location. I imagine his repertoire of tricks will be very impressive by then!
If you’re the proud owner of a puppy (or will be in coming months) click the button below to find out more about my puppy sessions.