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When you’re the owner of one of the best puppy schools in Sydney you can bet that I’m going to expect great things from your puppy when he gets in front of my lens. Brian the Briard didn’t disappoint! He’s owned by the legendary Amy from Amy’s Puppy Pre-School so naturally she’d done everything right in the few weeks that Brian had been with her. He was a perfect little model on the afternoon of his 2019 Adorable Puppies diary photo shoot, even though there were A LOT of distractions!
briard puppy lying on park bench
briard puppy sitting on park bench
briard puppy lying on park bench
briard puppy lying on park bench
Look at that off-lead sit stay with a big light in his face – what a star!
briard puppy sitting on sand at beach with cheeky expression
I’m not sure he got quite enough sand in his beard, what do you reckon?
briard puppy lying on beach with sandy face
briard puppy lying on beach with sandy face
If you’re the proud owner of a puppy (or will be in the next few months) click the button below to find out how your little one can star alongside Brian in my 2019 Adorable Puppies diary.
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