Back at the end of April my Facebook memories told me that it was a year since my last trip to Canberra. I was reminded that I love that time of year there so I sent an email to my mailing list inviting people to book an Autumn Leaves of Canberra session. Three awesome people snapped up the spots and impressed me enormously with their quick decision making! As luck would have it the forecast for the coming weekend was good and I’d had a local client reschedule their shoot so off I went, mere days after coming up with the idea. I left Sydney on Saturday morning and arrived in time for some location scouting before my afternoon session with the lovely Albert and Penny.
It was a beautiful crisp day and the Autumn leaves were in full effect. I was quite the happy photographer. We set ourselves up in this first spot while I proceeded to OMG (probably a bit too much) about the pretty colours.
This head-tilt stopped me rattling-on about the leaves, momentarily at least. Seriously, I’m such a sucker, they get me every time. Lucky I managed to snap it because he denied me of another single one for the rest of the shoot!
I narrowly avoided losing a finger to Albert in his over-enthusiasm for my treats. Penny was much more polite.
She didn’t mind getting as close as possible to them though.
Next we moved to a quiet spot where they could run around safely. They LURRRRRVE their Kong.
I tried some fake throws to get them running without the toy but this happened. Apparently the Kong serves an important purpose!
Altogether now – OMG look at those gorgeous colours!!
Next we retired to the bench for a breather and to allow Albert time to get his giant tongue under control.
Penny made me work hard for her shots so I especially love this one where she looks so happy and content.
Daveless had to stay home with our four dogs so the wonderful Alyssa from Canine Compass assisted me. It’s a shame she lives so far away because she took direction really well and didn’t once complain about what a thankless job it is! (Only joking David, you’re still my favourite!)
If corgi’s aren’t comical enough for you, try this on for size.
It would be wrong to go all the way to Canberra and not include a photo of “the lake”. We finished up the session as the sun went down behind the hills. Penny had had quite enough of my treats, noisemakers and stupid voices at this stage and Albert was still mistaking my fingers for food so we decided it was a good time to wrap things up.
Albert and Penny’s people chose my Platinum Collection, so they get “the lot” – a wall collection, a big album and the digital files. I’ve shared the album on Instagram and below is a composite of the wall collection.
Are you a Canberran reading this with envy and wishing you’d known I was coming to town? Sign up to my mailing list, I can assure you that you won’t be bombarded with spam. It’s altogether possible that I might do a Tails of Canberra book next year, so make sure you’re subscribed to avoid missing any important announcements. If you don’t want to wait until next year feel free to email me. If there’s enough interest I can come down again in Spring.
It’s also worth noting that a day trip to Sydney is another option, particularly for people who might be interested in taking part in one of my three current fundraising projects: