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I don’t post before and afters very often because I feel they open me up to a tonne of hate from purists who think this amount of editing is “cheating”. In my darkroom back in my film days I would do all sorts of whacky stuff to get different effects so I don’t think that digital editing is any less part of the craft. Plus and it comes with the bonus of no carcinogenic chemicals, win!

This was the first shot I took of Frank in this series of images for his spread in my Tails of Sydney book and it was a test to see if the balance between my flash and the ambient light was correct. It wasn’t what I was aiming for but I love Frank’s expression so I decided to do some work on it. The before is completely RAW and straight out of camera. The after is a combination of editing done in Lightroom and Photoshop. You’ll see I moved the surfer so he was still part of the story but not so close to Frank’s ear.

[et_pb_ds_before_after_slider before_image=”” after_image=”” _builder_version=”3.0.98″]


You’ll be able to see more of Frank when the book comes out. Only another 79 shoots to go!
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