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How am I only sharing these now? I’m a bit behind with blogging this project but not behind with the project itself. I can’t wait to share the finished book with you all, it’s been a real labour of love.

I taught Butters to bow – which wasn’t hard because he does it all the time – and now every command illicits this pose. Thanks Butters, excellent drop.

red pit bull type play bow on white
red pit bull type lying with head on rope toy on white

There are heaps of wattle trees around my area and I love to use them as a backdrop for photos at this time of year. The bright colours are a visual feast. These particular trees are on the side of a busy road opposite an unofficial dog park so I kept him on lead, for safety.

red dog under wattle tree branch
red dog under wattle tree branch 2
red pit bull type laying on grass in front of wattle tree
red pit bull type standing on grass in front of wattle tree

My usual spot for shots like this was really busy this Sunday and I couldn’t find a parking spot. I was temped to go home but Dave had come to assist me and didn’t want to waste his time so we decided to drive to another spot along the coast. It turned out to be even better and Peanut Butter gave me some of his best work!

tan pitbull in front of blue sky wide angle
happy tan pitbull sitting on rock in front of blue sky wide angle

If you’ve ever watched the stories on my @ruthlessratpack Instagram you’ll know that one of Butters’ favourite things to do is walk around with a toy in his mouth making some weird and dramatic noises that generally mean give me attention. Try as I might I haven’t been able to teach him to hold things on command though. He spits anything out if there’s any chance he might get food to put in his mouth instead. These photos were surprisingly hard to get. If anyone has any tips on how I can overcome this hurdle I’d love to hear them. The photos I could take if he’d hold things in his mouth!!

red dog wrestling with orange octopus toy
red dog with stuffed toy in mouth

Following in his older brother’s footsteps, Butters is now a model turned actor. He did an ad for Telstra this month and had to endure a bath the night before. Jeez he hates them. Luckily he doesn’t need to have them very often, it’s traumatic for both of us.

pit bull type in bath

#10 in my Watch the Butterball Grow series, the post desexing edition. Poor Butters didn’t have a textbook recovery. He got a scrotal oedema and was on a lot of drugs for about 10 days afterwards. I felt awful (probably nowhere near as bad as him though)!


If you want more of my dogs in your life you can follow them on Instagram – @ruthlessratpack.

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