I met Taco, Gucci and Prada at the Dog Lovers Show in August. I had Tor the Frenchie puppy at my stand all weekend and they couldn’t resist stopping to squeeze his cheeks! We got talking about my #SquishyFaceCrew book project and they were keen to take part and, as luck would have it, I was really keen for them to take part too!
I booked them in for a shoot soon afterwards and they drove down from the Central Coast for the occasion. I started with baby Prada for no real reason other than I’m a total sucker for puppies. She was very excited but she managed to contain herself for a few photos. I had to be quick.

Gucci had been very sick in the week before her shoot. It was a scary time for her people but she pulled through thankfully. She wasn’t 100% yet but she still gave me lots of her signature look – judgy!

Prada was still like a kid on cordial, and her naughtiness was spreading to Taco and Gucci, but I needed a group shot for the book so I had to pull out all of my tricks. I may have pulled out a few more when it came to editing these shots too. No one will ever know.

Then it was Taco’s turn for solo shots. His Dad had a slight error in judgment when he said he didn’t need to be on lead – it’s ok Taco, I’ll just wait here while you run around like a porkchop!
Just after I took the first photo I stopped to let some people cross the bridge. The lady asked if I photographed Kelly’s dog. I did indeed and my favourite photo of him was taken in that very same spot. Freaky deaky.

After quite enough posing everyone was ready to burn off some energy. Did you see the stop motion video I posted of Taco’s running sequence on social media? It’s here if you want to check it out. I love my 1DxII, it doesn’t skip a beat.
They all gave me the goods with their action photos. This crew are all very fit – even Gucci who was so sick the week before. She got a little pep talk beforehand but I don’t think she needed it.

If you’d like to see more squishy faces like these (67 more to be precise) grab yourself a copy of my Squishy Face Crew book. Sydneysiders you can buy in person and meet some of the stars at my donut themed launch party this Saturday in Kensington. Full details are on my Facebook event page here.