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How bloody excited was I when Serena from Pretty Fluffy booked her new puppy, Butterscotch, a 2019 Adorable Puppies diary photo shoot? VERY excited, that’s how much!

Butters is one of the best behaved subjects I’ve ever had. I was SO impressed.

golden retriever puppy sitting on wooden deck
golden retriever puppy sitting on wooden deck with head tilt and bokeh

Because he hadn’t had all his shots yet Serena asked if we could shoot somewhere with no risk of infection from unvaccinated dogs. Since they live in a very pretty home with lots of natural light it was the perfect location. They also have a three-year-old so I didn’t even have to bring any cute puppy furniture!

golden retriever puppy sitting on middle chair of three pastel coloured chairs
golden retriever puppy with front paws on white table

There was too much sun in the garden so we did indoor action photos. I hope this is still cute when Butters is fully grown and he remembers being rewarded for doing zoomies in the house, ooops!

happy golden retriever puppy running through kitchen with wooden floor

That tuckered him out. Time for a quick recharge on the sofa.

golden retriever puppy lying on grey fabric sofa looking sad

My focus at a session is typically on the furry family members but I’m always open to including the humans in some photos as well. Wrangling the two leggeds can often be harder than the puppy but these gorgeous people nailed the shot in record time.

toddler girl lying on sofa with golden retriever puppy
happy family with new golden retriever puppy

And just when I thought Butters was ready for a nap he took to the deck for some more posing and stick chewing. He sure knows how to turn on the cute.

golden retriever puppy lying on wooden deck chewing on a stick

If you’re the proud owner of a puppy (or will be in the next few months) click the button below to find out how your little one can star alongside Butters in my 2019 Adorable Puppies diary.

Serena wrote about her journey in finding a dog for her family and how Butters came into their lives. You can read the post on her website here.

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