When a dog comes into your life and you love everything about them it’s not uncommon to want more of the same when adding a second dog to the household (or third and fourth in my case!). Bella was such a great puppy, when she was a year old her owners went back to the same breeder to get a sister for her. That’s when Beryl the Peril came along and havoc ensued! In her defence, this was the story I was told, I didn’t think she was any naughtier than the least naughty of my four dogs.
We started at their home where she showed me she was quite excellent at jumping on and off the furniture. (Mostly off when I wanted her on, but that’s ok, I’m quick!)
Good girl Bella would have sat there all day so long as I kept the liver treats coming.
Beryl can sure turn on the cute. I don’t believe a word they say about her.
The other household pets got to be included in the shoot too.
Then it was off to the park for some running around.
Helloooooo tongue!!
You know a good head tilt will make any dog my instant favourite.
These are composites of the two wall art collections I delivered yesterday.
The girls were on holidays at their “grandma’s” so this piece was a thank you gift for her.
Bella and Beryl are one of several matching pairs that I’ve photographed in the last 12 months. Did you find your breed and then get another of the same? There’s no better time than now to book a portrait session and get some beautiful portraits for your home. Drop me a line, let’s talk!