Ellen wasn’t looking to adopt a rescue puppy but then along came Axel, the runt of the litter, and he stole her heart. When she told me in her email that he was a German Shepherd x Rottweiler I formed a mental image in my head of what he might look like. It turned out to be 100% accurate! He’s only three years old and such a lovely, gentle, creature. We had a really nice hour together in the park. Typically my sessions go for 1.5-2hrs, but Axel decided that he was done after an hour, so he lay down with his back to the camera and nothing I had to offer him was going to make him budge. He’s very lucky that he gave me the goods in the first hour so I was able to let him have things his way. I got an early mark and he got to sleep the whole drive back home to the Central Coast – win/win.
As she left her viewing session Ellen said “we’ll probably only ever do this once, so we wanted to do it properly”. I’m so grateful that I get to work with such amazing pet lovers who appreciate and value the images of their loved ones that I create. The last photo in the gallery is the wall collection that will be hanging on their wall for many years to come. Exactly where that handsome face belongs.