When Aggy from Take A Lead, one of my affiliates, told me there was a guy with a Staffy in her puppy class that was planning to book a session with me I squeeed a little inside. Then the booking came through and it was a happy surprise to learn that it was a repeat client, the owner of the only other blue Staffy I’ve ever photographed!
This is Harry. Yes, I know … HE’S ADORABLE!
He was only 11 weeks old at his session but as a recent puppy school graduate he was very good at his sits and stays.
Boy does this little man know how to work the camera! Don’t be fooled by the innocent expressions though, there was a heap of back chat if I didn’t reward him quickly enough.
Harry’s owner took a few weeks off work to socialise Harry during his critical period. As a result he’s growing into a lovely, confident puppy.
My sessions aren’t all about sitting pretty though. Unleashing the crazy is all part of the fun. Just like nearly every Staffy I’ve ever met, he loves to fetch the toy and then run around like a lunatic refusing to give it back!
There were bubbles too.
And some tugging.
Harry slept from 7.30 that night until the same time the following morning. I think I’ll use that as a selling point on my next promo brochure!
I had so much fun photographing this little cutie and preparing his order today filled me with joy all over again. This is the 30×45″ framed wall art that his owner has chosen …
… and here’s the album layout. (The watermarking on every page is to prevent image theft, they won’t be printed on the actual album.)
Were you thinking about booking a session but thought you should wait until your pup is older? No need, I have lots of experience working with baby puppies. Send me an email today to schedule your shoot.