I promised these ages ago, so I hope they were worth the wait… martingale collars, yay!!! They can be found here. I’ve only managed to get two modeled so far, but there are heaps more to come.
First up is Saxon the Amstaff in a 38mm [1.5″] wide black and silver Sweetheart. I know he’s drop-dead gorgeous, but try to focus on the collar!
Next is Flame [AKA my new favourite dog!] in a chestnut and aged brass Rocknrolla. This collar is 25mm [1″] , but it’s available in wide and narrow widths as well.
You’ve probably all seen this collar already, the regular Lone Ranger, but you haven’t seen it in burgundy and you haven’t seen it on Atticus!! He belongs to my new friend Janet from Hyggelig Photography. If you check out her site you’ll see some more photos of him that she took during his modeling session. He’s one seriously cute munchkin!
The very lovely people at Bowhouse referred Coco’s owner to us. She was looking for a custom-made collar for her Italian Greyhound. She left the design up to us, she just wanted something classic and minimal in brown and silver. That’s how The Cocodog was born!
It was a bit of a cold day and poor Coco wasn’t too happy about being outside without her jacket. Sorry Coco!
On our recent trip to Melbourne I was booked to do a photo session with three Boston Terriers. I made sure I got Jack’s neck measurements beforehand so I could get him to do some modeling after the shoot. Here he is wearing a narrow Rocknrolla collar in silver and burgundy.
This is the first narrow collar to make it on to the website, but don’t fear, we have plenty more to come, we just need small dog models!
We’ve had some people express an interest in plain collars, so we’ve introduced the No Frills collar. Here’s King the Amstaff wearing a wide one in brown and brass and Prix the Malinois wearing a regular one in black and aged brass.
You may have seen me mention already that we took the Ruthless Leather stand down to the American Staffordshire Terrier Club of Victoria’s Championship Show on the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. We donated a voucher to the club which was awarded to the best exhibitor. So, congratulations to Tony Pycroft and his gorgeous girl Echo [Fibra Echos of Buba] for winning BISS. There’s a photo of them here on our Facebook page. Speaking of congratulations and our Facebook page… when the number of fans reached 1,000 Dionne Jay was selected at random to be the lucky recipient of a collar and matching lead of her choice, just for being a fan! She’s picked a wide black and silver Rocknrolla and lead for her dog Diesel the Rottweiler. Lucky boy!
I have one more nugget of information, so hopefully you’re still with me cause it’s a good one! We stand by our ten year guarantee and we want you to get the most out of our products, so we’re now including a 50g pot of Ruthless Leather Aftercare with purchases over AUD$125. It’s also available to buy on the website here.
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