Photo Competition | Sydney Dog Photographer
Just before Christmas I was contacted by Woollahra Municipal Council and asked to judge their Puppies in the Park photo competition. I was really flattered and of course I agreed to it. Ruthless Photos and Ruthless Leather are also donating prizes, so if you live in... read more
A Ruthless Photos update | Sydney Dog Photographer
Today I was accepted as member of an international group called HeARTs Speak. The vision is to unite animal artists and animal rescues into collective action for social change. As I’ve done some work for Pet Rescue, MDBA PACERS, Seniors and Silkies Rescue and... read more
Flash – revisited | Sydney Puppy Photographer
As the last shoot with Flash was impromptu and in harsh light, I made arrangements to go back and take some more photos in better conditions. He was a slight shade of yellowy-brown when I arrived so after a quick bath we went out to the back paddock… to run... read more