Happy 12th Birthday Bruno!
I promised him no more studio birthday shoots after his 10th bday production but I never said no more birthday photos 😄 His outing today was to Centennial Park which is one of the few places I can enjoy with him and his reactivity, because for the most part people with off-lead dogs stick to the off-lead area (if you’re not one of those people there’s a special place on my shit list for you!). He got to wander around and smell all the smells, whine at all the things and piss on every blade of grass.
Typically if I’m going to be photographing Bruno I won’t give him breakfast until afterwards but because it’s his birthday I gave it to him at the normal time. It meant his refusal to give me eye contact or good camera ears was next level but I kept reminding myself that today was about doing things he loves … and he’s loved not looking at the camera in public since the day he left the pound!!
He hasn’t had cake yet because he’s been flat out since the park but don’t worry, cake will be had!

Here’s the Instagram reel from his outing: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClF02SEAdDB/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=