On the Queen’s Birthday long weekend I escaped the rain in Sydney and drove to Canberra for a couple of shoots. When Mouse and Rosie’s owners first booked me they were only a one dog family and the shoot was scheduled to take place in Sydney in March. Bad weather and international jet setting got in the way for a while, so by the time we were able to reschedule they’d adopted a new family member.
We started in their beautiful apartment in Kingston. I had layered up for the cold weather in the capital city but I didn’t need them in this sun drenched abode.
When the formal photos were done we headed down to Bowen Park where Mouse got to stretch her lovely long legs.
I brought her a toy. A squeaky soft one. Her favourite kind.
Little sister Rosie stole it though and ran around like a lunatic, forgetting all the commands she was supposed to have learned since her adoption!
After all the running I did some portraits on the banks of the waterway. Mouse wasn’t too sure about it all, but she’s very food motivated so we worked it out. Rosie surprised everyone by being a great little model.
The autumn colours were almost all gone, but I think I managed to find the last of them.
The light as the sun set was so gorgeous and wintery. It even brought a smile to Mouse’s face.
We finished off the session with some stick chewing, before we all agreed that it was freezing and time to go home!
Canberra is such a pretty city. If anyone wants to book a shoot let me know and I’ll schedule it in for Spring/Summer, when it warms up a bit.