If you’re not on my mailing list you wouldn’t have heard about my latest competition yet. It’s all a bit exciting!
1. Post a photo of your beloved pet/s here.
2. Share the link on your wall on Facebook and ask all your friends to vote for you.
3. The photo with the most votes at noon on 21 Feb 2012 is the winner.
4. The prize is a voucher for a standard photo session with Ruthless Photos for one pet [valid for 6 months] and a 12×18″ mounted print. The session must take place in Sydney. If the winner can not make it to Sydney they can choose to donate their voucher to one of the nominated rescue groups below.
Fetching Dogs
Arctic Breed Rescue
Puppy Love Rescue
Staffy Rescue
Animal Welfare League
Competition opens 12.00pm EDT 14/02/12 and finishes 12.00pm EDT 21/02/12.
Competition is open to Australian and international amateur photographers and hobbyists.
Only one entry and one vote per person.
You must have taken the photograph yourself or have permission from the copyright holder to post it.
No montages, clip art, logos or text across images.
Prize voucher is valid for six months.
The winning image is the one with the most votes at 12.00pm EDT 21/02/12. Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Prize is not redeemable for cash.