Fingers crossed this is the last update promising that the website is coming soon! I’ve taken an ad in the MDBA Awards programme which is being held on Saturday night, so I’m really trying to have the website live by then. If I never have to build another website again I’ll be a very happy camper!!
Here are a few more pieces that have been made especially for the website.
Storm wearing The Stud Muffin.
The is Layne. His collar doesn’t have a name yet. His owner suggested calling it The Dimly Lit Squid after him, but I think that’s just mean! lol
Here’s Knuckles wearing The Spotty One.
This is her little brother Dutch and he’s wearing The Rocknrolla.
Divani did some sterling work modeling this collar, so I named it the Divadog in her honour.
We made this cuff for our friend’s daughter’s fourteenth birthday. She felt a bit special getting a one of a kind custom-made present! I haven’t come up with a name for this yet either so if you have any suggestions, bring them on!