I bought some off camera lighting gear a few months ago. It’s been sitting in the corner of my office ever since as I thought learning how to use it all was going to be a really steep learning curve. I’ve been trying to learn Adobe Fireworks and Adobe Dreamweaver recently to build my own website, so my brain was already overwhelmed with new information. I didn’t think there was any more room!
On Friday I saw this photo on Flickr and I was inspired to finally try out my gear. I don’t have the same setup as Christina, and since Dave had initially set up one of my light stands and tightened a lever so tight I couldn’t budge it, I made do with one flash and one umbrella for starters!
Trixie was quite happy to model for me. Modeling = treats. Trixie + treats = happy puppy!
Chopper had been outside sunbaking, so his level of enthusiasm wasn’t quite the same!