Nugget and some of his extensive wardrobe came for a Studio Session recently. I love this bit from his pre-session questionnaire:
When I first saw a photo of him I said to my husband “that one looks like a chicken nugget” and my husband responded with “we are not naming a dog Nugget!”
When we went to see the puppies there was only three left. One completely ignored us, another hid under a chair but Nugget made a beeline towards us as if to say “hello parents!!” My husband took one look at him and said we definitely needed to get him and name him Nugget!
Here’s a look at the full gallery slideshow and finished products from his session. They got a set of three framed fine art prints, the full digital collection and lots of goodies.
If you’d like to celebrate your pet’s colourful personality with beautiful artworks for your home please click the button below for more details about how I work and the full range of products I offer.