Scooby and Dobby are owned by a foster carer for Saving Staffies. In fact I think they might both have started their life with her as foster dogs. No judgment here, it’s a scenario I’m more than familiar with!
During our pre-session conversations she painted them in a pretty bad light so I was pleasantly surprised to meet them and find that they’re actually really well behaved.
I chose this location because I’ve never seen another dog there. It’s perfect for easily distracted dogs.
Lucky I have a top of the range sports camera because these guys are FAST!
Getting Dobby to prick his ears was a mission so an ear prick head tilt combo was extra special.
Scooby isn’t a man of many expressions but he’s very compliant, we like that.
We ended the session with some photos of the boys together. I really don’t know what their owner was worried about, they were superstar models!
Click the play button below to see a digital page turn of the album their people ordered. Obviously, it’s much more luxe in real life!
If you’d like to celebrate your pet’s colourful life with beautiful artworks for your home please check out the experience section for more details about how I work and the full range of products I offer.