I rented a Canon 50mm f1.2L for the weekend as my 50mm f1.4 was being serviced. I was really hoping I wouldn’t fall in love with it as it comes with a pretty hefty price tag. To give it a proper test drive I asked my friend Monika if I could photograph one of her Dobermanns, Furia. Why Monika? Because she lives quite nearby and she’s ALWAYS promoting Ruthless Leather and Ruthless Photos to anyone who’ll listen! Why Furia? Well, within the first few minutes I was asking myself the same thing… but then I produced a Cuz toy and she quickly forgot about all the other people and dogs and horses that dared to be in her vicinity!
Lot’s of running and jumping around did funny things to her ears and her tongue!
Someone kindly left a pile of mulch in the park for me to use as a background texture.
On the way back to the car I spotted this patch of green so we stopped for some more pics and I proceeded to fall completely and utterly in love with the lens. Damn. I wonder if Santa Claus will bring me one?