Bruno and Cocoa’s last date

Bruno and Cocoa’s last date

Long time followers will recognise Cocoa as Bruno’s long time BFF. Her person moved to Perth in 2017 and obviously brought Cocoa with her. I borrowed her the week before so these besties could have a final date. At the time I was frustrated that the photos... read more
Cocoa the Dog | Sydney Dog Photographer

Cocoa the Dog | Sydney Dog Photographer

Cocoa the Dog is Bruno the Dog’s girlfriend. Conveniently enough, she’s owned by one of my closest friends, so when I have a collar the needs to be modeled or a lens that needs to be tested I often call upon them to help me. These photos are the result of... read more
Bruno Loves Cocoa | Sydney Dog Photographer

Bruno Loves Cocoa | Sydney Dog Photographer

Bruno had a play date with my friend’s foster dog today. They met on lead at dog training yesterday but today was their first off lead romp. Cocoa has an equally rambunctious play style so they’re a perfect match for each other. The weather was utterly... read more
It’s all about Bruno pt6 | Sydney dog photographer

It’s all about Bruno pt6 | Sydney dog photographer

I won’t lie, I do take way more photos of Bruno than my other three dogs. He loves it and the camera loves him, so how can I not?! I usually bring him location scouting with me to try and make new places and things less over-stimulating. It’s a long road,... read more